Rebeca V Walker 1880 census

This is the 1880 census record of Rebeca V Walker (Kelly) in Jasper County, Texas.

The record indicates Rebecca V Kelly was a 37-year-old married white female who was born in Alabama. Her parents were born in South Carolina. Another family is listed in the same dwelling and family but with another head of household so the enumerator may have forgotten to add a number before adding the next family. No other Walker families are listed nearby.

According to the 1880 U.S. census Rebecca V Kelly lived in Precinct No. 4, Jasper County, Texas. Her relationship to head of the family was wife. She was a 37-year-old married white female. For profession, occupation, or trade she was keeping house.

Bronchocele* was listed when asked "Is the person [on the day of the Enumerator's visit] sick or temporarily disabled, so as to be unable to attend to ordinary business or duties. If so, what is the sickness or disability.

She could read. She could not write. Her birthplace was Alabama. Her father and mother were born in South Carolina.

She is listed on penned page 9, stamped page 163A, in supervisor’s district 1, enumeration district 39 at line number 46, dwelling 82, family 82. The name of each person whose place of abode on 1st day of June, 1880 in this family were head Elista or Elisha, 50, wife Rebecca V, 37, son James A, 14, son William C, 11, daughter Mary J, 7, daughter Margaret M, 6, and son Cornelius P, 2. 

Others listed in dwelling 82, family 82 were head James Dorman, 56, wife Hester A Dorman, 42, daughter Louisa M Dorman, 8/12, step-son Martin Cole, 17, stepdaughter Paulina Cole, 12, stepdaughter Malona Cole, 10, stepdaughter Emily Cole, 9, and boarder Benjamin Hollis, 21. 

*A bronchocele is a segment of bronchus that is filled with mucus and completely enclosed so the mucus cannot drain out. A bronchus is a passage or airway in the respiratory system that conducts air into the lungs. -- From
