Nancy R May 1870 census

This is the 1870 census record of Nancy R May in Simpson County, Mississippi.

The record indicates Rebecca May was a 7-year-old white female who was born in Mississippi. The next family is also a May family and some of the names seem to be siblings of Nancy Rebecca, found in other records. There are several other May families listed nearby.

According to the 1870 U.S. census Rebecca May lived in Beat No. 1, Simpson County, Mississippi. Post office was illegible but seems to end in "hill". She was a 7-year-old white female. Her birthplace was Mississippi. She could read and write.

She is listed on stamped page 269, penned page 6 at line number 24, dwelling 51, family 51. The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of June, 1870 in this family were John, 48, Jane M, 39, Selenia, 10, Rebecca, 7, and Frank, 2.
