Nancy R May 1920 census

This is the 1920 census record of Nancy R May (Brinson) in West Carroll Parish, Louisiana.

The record indicates Nancy was 57 years old. She and her parents were born in Mississippi. Others living in the household were her children Charlie, Nora, and Johnnie. George May and James May families are listed on census pages near this one. Adam Brinson and his wife are listed five pages after this one. Relationships are unknown.

According to the 1920 U.S. census Rebecca Brinson lived Ward 3, West Carroll Parish, Louisiana. The family lived in a rented home. Her relationship to the head of the family was mother. She was a 57-year-old widowed white female. She was able to read and write. She and her parents were born in Mississippi. She was able to speak English. Her occupation was none.

She is listed on penned page 9A in supervisor’s district 5, enumeration district 137 at line number 50, dwelling 155, family 160. Living in the place of abode were head Charlie, 32, mother Rebecca, 57, sister Nora, 25, and brother Johnnie, 16.

Full record at:
