James M Robbins 1930 census

This is the 1930 census record for James M Robbins in Menard town, Menard County, Texas.

The record indicates James was 52 years old, a homeowner, and a laborer working odd jobs. Others living in the household were Edna, Eola, and James Jr. There are no other Robbins families listed on nearby census pages.

According to the 1930 U.S. Census James M Robbins lived in Menard town, Menard County, Texas. He was head of the family. The home was owned and valued at $3000. The family did not live on a farm. He was a 52-year-old married white male. His age at first marriage was 20. He had not attended school or college any time since Sept. 1, 1929. He was able to read and write.

He was born in Texas, both of his parents were born in Alabama. He was able to speak English. His occupation was laborer working odds jobs as a wage or salary worker. He was actually at work the day before or the last regular working day. He was not a veteran of U.S. military or naval forces.

He is listed on penned page 16B, page 7751 in supervisor’s district 14, enumeration district 164-1 at line number 93, dwelling 362, family 420. Living in the place of abode were head James M Robbins, 52, wife Edna, 52, daughter Eola, 23, and son James Jr, 7.

Full record at: https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HF93-5ZM
