Robert M Brinson VA Master Index record

This is the Veterans Administration Master Index record of Robert M Brinson in Parchman, Mississippi.

The record indicates Robert was a Private in the Medical Department. He lived in Parchman, Sunflower County, Mississippi when he enlisted 5 August 1917. He was discharged 26 July 1920. He was born 28 October 1896 and died 13 June 1960. The later dates were handwritten. His middle name is spelled McLauriss. There are very few records showing his whole middle name. The spelling is unknown but we think it is McLaurin. Other military records show different enlistment and discharge information but some may not include all of his service.

According to the Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940, BRINSON, ROBERT McLAURISS served Pvt. Med. Dept. His address at time of enlistment was Parchman, Miss. His service number was 1 492 781. He was born 10-28-96. He enlisted 8-5-17. Handwritten notes show he died 6-13-60. He was discharged 7-26-20.

Pvt. Med. Dept.
Parchman, Miss.
Sn. 1 492 781
Born 10-28-96
Enl. 8-5-17
Died 6-13-60
Dis. 7-26-20

From FamilySearch
United States, Veterans Administration Master Index, 1917-1940
This collection contains an index to veterans who served at any time during World War I and who made (or whose heirs made) pension or benefits claims of the Veterans Administration between 1917 and 1940. Each card contains the name of the veteran as well as other personal identifying information such as home address at the time of enlistment, date of birth, and date of death. Additionally, the cards may provide the following service information: rank, branch of service, service number, date of entry and discharge, claim number, insurance number(s), cross-reference to the beneficiary of the veteran, and first organization the veteran was assigned.

Full record at:
