Adela M Polansky 1900 census record

This is the 1900 census record of Adela M Polansky in Burleson County, Texas.

The record indicates Adela was 12 years old and was born in Texas. Her parents were born in Moravia. The next family listed is John Polansky Jr who is 27 years old. This is probably Adela's brother. His family members include wife Francis, son John, and niece Ada Kazmir.

According to the 1900 U.S. census Ada Polansky lived in Justice Precinct #4, Burleson County, Texas. Her relationship to head of the family was daughter. She was a 12-year-old single white female born in Sep 1887. She was born in Texas. Her parents were born in Moravia. Her occupation, trade, or profession was at school. She had attended school -- 6 months. She could read and write. She could not speak English.

She is listed on penned page 11B, in supervisor’s district 10, enumeration district 42 at line number 94, dwelling 265, family 293/313. Living in the place of abode on June 1, 1900 were head John, 49, wife Rosa, 47, son Emile, 21, son Adolph, 19, son Henry, 17, daughter Ada, 12, daughter Christina, 10, daughter Ludmila, 9, and son Diones, 5.

Full record at:
