Rosa F Kelley 1930 census record

This is the 1930 census record for Rosa F Kelley (Brinson) in Coahoma County, Mississippi.

The record indicates Rosa was 29 years old. She was born in Texas. Others living in the household were Robert, Doris, and Bobby. No other Kelley family is listed on the same census page, or on several pages before or after this one. Other records show most of her family was in Texas.

According to the 1930 U.S. Census Rosa Brinston lived in Beat 4 (Part of), Coahoma County, Mississippi. She was a wife and homemaker. She was a 29-year-old married white female. Her age at first marriage was 22. She had not attended school or college any time since Sept. 1, 1929. She was able to read and write. She, her father, and her mother were born in Texas. She was able to speak English. Her occupation was none.

She is listed on penned page 17A, stamped page 293 in supervisor’s district 1, enumeration district 14-23 at line number 45, dwelling 368, family 368. Living in the place of abode were head Robert Brinston, 33, wife Rosa, 29, daughter Doris, 3, and son Bobby, 2.

Full record at:
